Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bienvenido al mundo

Hoy es tu bautizo mi amor y no puedo estar a tu lado pero quiero que sepas que aun en la distancia, te adoro, es mas que amor, has venido al mundo y has cambiado nuestras vidas. Alguien muy importante se fue y tu has conseguido aliviar ese dolor abriendo los ojos...Gracias a ti, hemos vuelto a sonreir. Jorge, bienvenido al mundo, ahora, lo eres todo para nosotros. Cuidaremos de ti siempre.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

S'agapw, oxi gia auto pou eisai..alla gia auto pou
eimai egw, otan eimai konta sou..

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The beginning

Sincerely, I don't know what to write... so many time expecting to have a blog and when finally i've got, my mind is so confused. Maybe, this is not the best day to write but why not? Sometimes, when u think in the future you are in a fuss because so many things are in ur mind, but u have to start to take decisions that maybe change ur life, it's not easy, believe me...
I don't know if so many people will know this post, just in case that anyone sees it..
i wanted to show that destiny is not the chances that we have but the choices that we make..
and we ARE chosing our destiny, we are chosing our life. Sometimes in life i realize that you dont need to be the same nationality or the same age or the same religion with someone and still you can communicate and find love as well as if he/she was the same (more or less) with you..
I find myself so happy in her arms and in her hug and nothing else matters..
i wished she was not so confused .. i know, its my mistake also but at least i cleared up some things in my mind and mostly, in my heart.
I haven't any doubt about it but u should know that when someone gives everything, wants also to receive,at least, the same. Without doubts, without misconceptions, without fears.
But you should never forget that love is inside you and not somewhere specific,and if you feel good someone you should stay with him.
FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Sometimes it's very difficult to do it because there a lot of things behind, and u have to try that your heart and your head are agree between them..
NADA nuevo tras de ti, yah of course, but u only know me one month...
Love is not business, many times you have to take risks. And when May comes, what will happen with the risks? I don't want to have a stable life now but i don't like the ends of the fairy tales.
May is part of the risk, if you are indeed willing to take the risk you ll find out, if you dont you never find out..
And my philosopy says that is better to regret for the things that you have done and not about the things that you havent done ..
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train..