Monday, January 28, 2008

The glory of world is transitory and we cannot measure our lives by it, only by the decision we make to follow our personal legend, to believe in our utopias, and to fight for them. Each of us is the protagonist of our own life and often, it is the anonymous heroes who leave the most enduring marks.

Now, it is your turn, tell me, which is your utopia?


Rita said...

God knows I've never tried to really follow my personal legend, though I thought I was doing it. U've done it, and that's just one of the reasons why I admire u. U got the courage to go and get what u wanted.

If I find my utopia some time soon, don't worry, u'll know 'bout it. By now, being happy & strong is just enough for me :)

Love u!

Anonymous said...

xikitina a ver si renuevas mas a menudo el blog k todos los dias m meto con la speranza d encontrar algo nuevo,jeje.
Kien diga k la distancia es el olvido MIENTE pork yo cada dia tk mas y t exo muxo muxo de menos
Take care my little princess
Love u¡

Anonymous said...

Hi my big friend!!
que tal estas por tu islita ??
No se porqué pero creo que estoy de acuerdo con Elena... haber si se renueva un poquito el blog que queremos saber nuevas cositas de ti y de la vida de por alli.
un besito muy grande de una persona chiquitita.
Hugges & big kisses for both